I’m naturally curious and ask a lot of questions. I love reading and learning and as a result I love to write and teach as well, because sharing what I know is part of the journey. It’s called discipleship. I’ve made it my mission to create content that transforms lives and cultivates community. That’s what discipleship is all about. It’s an ongoing, upward and inner transformation that leads to outward change. I use my writing and teaching opportunities to glorify Jesus and help others make tangible and practical advancements in their faith.

My favorite writing & teaching topics:

  • How to read and study the Bible

  • Loving our immigrant neighbors

  • What introverts have to offer an extroverted world

  • The importance and purpose of sabbath rest

  • Developing your writing voice

  • How following Jesus has an impact on our everyday lives

 If you would like me to write for your publication or teach at your next gathering,